
When we meet in Ansche Chesed (speedily, in our time), this is where we list who will lead the davening, chant Torah, bring Kiddush, etc.

But these are not normal times and everything has gone virtual. To volunteer for any of the various roles in the service, just drop a note to

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Yahrzeit list

Tishre 25 - Moshe Cotel

Tishrei 12 (2023) - Alberta Stameers

Please join me in mourning our member Alberta Stammers z'l, who passed away suddenly early this morning. Although she was 85, her death was completely unexpected. She was hale and vigorous to her dying day. Please join me in wishing comfort to her longtime companion Ira Goetz, may he live long. Ira is a 95-year-old Shoah survivor and will miss Alberta terribly.
     Alberta Barberi Stammers was a native of Florence, Italy, born in 1938. Her father was killed in World War II, as a soldier in the Italian army. Without being certain, Alberta believed her father was from a Jewish family because she knew she had Jewish relatives.
    She lived a full life, marrying an American doctor who studied in Italy, and raising three sons, Jonathan, Robert, and Scott, in the United States. Following her husband's death, she rekindled a friendship with Ira, whom she had known as a student in Geneva in the 1950s, and they became tender and supportive companions.
    At that time, Alberta began pursuing a Jewish identity, to which she always felt called. She was an Ansche Chesed regular, at Shabbat parasha class and davvening in the Sanctuary and West Side Minyan. I was happy to help her study. In 2019 she became Ahuva bat Avraham v'Sarah, a truly beloved daughter of Abraham and Sarah. (From Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky)

Cheshvan 24 - Trudy Balch

Kislev 10 - Marlene Schwartz

Kislev 12 - David Wachstock

Kislev 21 - Paul Shelomo Gareen

Born in the shtetl Horodecz, Poland, on July 6, 1921, passed away at home in New York, November 27, 2010. Son of Rabbi Mordechai and Feigl Greenberg. Cherished husband of Diane Brody Gareen. Beloved father of Ilana F. Gareen and the late Ahri L. Gareen. He will be lovingly remembered by his granddaughters Shelly, Yael, Arielle, and Jessica, by his son-in-law, Andy, and his beloved sisters-in-law Clair Brody and Feige Brody and daughter-in-law, Kahal. [Published by The New York Times on Dec. 1, 2010.]

Tevet 11 - Charles Morgenstein

Chiel (Charles) Morgenstein was the father of West Side Minyan member Ruth Kaufman, grandfather of Barbara and siblings, as well as a great grandfather. He was an enthusiastic WSM member and participant, whose wife, Charlotte often joined him. His touching and amazing life story of survival and coming to the USA is documented on the Internet. Though from an Orthodox background, he embraced the WSM. One year, before Shevuoth, he told us that all his life he had wanted to chant Akdamut and he was thrilled when he had the opportunity to do it with us (he was already in his 90s). He is also specially remembered as the Patriarch of a unique WSM family whose FOUR generations attended. And from time to time, the males in the family would stand up and sing nigunim together most beautifully. May his memory be a blessing.

Tevet 29 - Sam Kayman

Obituary of Sam Kayman

Shevat 18 - Ed Lipton

Adar (2) 6 - Beth Levine

Nissan 25 - Barry Pogash

January 5, 1939 – May 4, 2005. Predeceased by sister Harriet Pogash. He may have graduated in 54 from the Franklin School (later absorbed by Dwight), possiby a member of the Columbia University Political Assembly, and a member of the class of '58.

Sivan 5 - Phil Gold

Tammuz 27 - Isobel- Aviva Kirsch

Av 19 - Miriam Korman

Elul 13 - Walter Klepner